Court proceedings related to labour and social security law
BKB provides assistance in all types of court proceedings related to labour law and social security, including with respect to appeals against fines imposed by inspection authorities such as the National Labour Inspectorate and criminal courts, and appeals against administrative decisions (administrative courts). The wide experience of the litigation team guarantees the highest level of services in any area of labour law.
General information:
Labour law provides for many situations when both employees and employers may defend their rights or verify the correctness of conduct of one of the parties to the employment relationship in court. In such proceedings, identifying the risk and devising measures to mitigate it is essential. The litigation team at BKB guarantees the highest level of experience and practical knowledge, resulting in a favourable outcome for our Clients in a vast majority of cases . In difficult cases, a favourable outcome may often be obtained only at cassation appeal level and the proceedings before the Supreme Court, which adjudicates the most complex legal issues.