Hiring externally, including outsourcing and temporary work
The optimisation of employment costs is a natural element of managing every business, so many employers decide to hire externally, for example by outsourcing and using temporary workers.
We draft all necessary documentation related to hiring externally, in particular outsourcing agreements, B2B contracts, or agreements with temporary employment agencies. We guarantee our Clients that any changes made will be compliant with labour law, social security law, and personal data protection regulations. We conduct audits of existing outsourcing agreements in terms of their compliance and legal effectiveness, considering the needs of the Client. We also advise on an ongoing basis in this respect. We represent employers in proceedings before public authorities and in court proceedings concerning disputes that arise from hiring externally.
We have a long track record in this field. We have handled hundreds of outsourcing cases, so our comprehensive knowledge guarantees that we understand the specificity of any sector and that we will select the suitable solutions for every recipient.