Prof. UJ Izabela Stańczyk
Doctor of economics, in the discipline of management.
Izabela has extensive professional experience gained through many years working in HR in a capital group in the following areas:
Restructuring and Professional Development, as the Chief Specialist responsible for planning, organization and monitoring the workforce restructuring process in one of the largest companies in Poland; analysis of the internal and external labor market; preparation and implementation of projects:
– providing training for employees on interviews with a prospective employer and drawing up documentation;
– AC workshops for people in positions being liquidated;
– outplacement processes, outsourcing, collective redundancies;
– labor mobility.
Competence Development Centre as the Chief Specialist responsible for the preparation and implementation of projects concerning:
providing training, for example on an article of her own on “The role of a manager in HR”; implementation of MBO for managers;
– internal and external adaptation of employees;
– an employeeperformance appraisal system;
– acompetence system.
Advising managers at various levels in the following areas: conducting the recruitment process, identifying skill gaps, and devising individual and group professional development plans; diagnosing employees’ competences and development prospects – working with the Development Centre/Assessment Centre; providing career guidance and assisting workers with regard to retraining opportunities.
Izabela works with companies with regard to outplacement strategies, personnel audits, optimization of HR processes, management of employees’ professional competences, building organizational structures, or for example formulating job descriptions.
Izabela has extensive academic experience gained through many years working as Head of the Department of Management Theory and Human Capital – Institute of Economics, Finance and Management – Jagiellonian University and Head of the PhD Programme in Management and Quality Science – Jagiellonian University.
Her research focus is issues related to human resources management, in particular the perception of organizational support, structuring the workforce, restructuring the workforce, competence management, personnel consulting, and new trends in HR, including Green HRM or AI in HR processes. Izabela was an intern at foreign universities in Seville, Bucharest, and Bratislava, and was the author or co-author of approximately one hundred publications in the field of HR, including twenty monographs, in Poland and abroad (Green management of people. Green HRM (Difin, 2021); Towards sustainable remuneration (WUJ, 2023), New trends in personnel and career counselling (Difin, 2019), Value-respecting management (Difin, 2016). Izabela’s h abilitation monograph was on the subject of Organizational support for managers (publ. WUJ, 2018), and she was awarded a distinction in the XIII Competition for Scientific Papers on Management Sciences produced in the years 2016-2018 in the MONOGRAPHS category. with one author’s MONOGRAPH by the Committee on Organization and Management Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
Izabela wrote her doctoral dissertation on “A Model for shaping organizational roles and division of competences in the field of work potential management for a capital group”, as an attempt to divide the role of HR where an enterprise is transformed into a capital group.
Postgraduate lecturer at universities in Krakow in the field of HR.
She has received several academic awards from the Rector of the Jagiellonian University and the Rector of the Warsaw School of Economics.